Making up for lost time…

Well, it’s been a while!  After sitting for the last two days and catching up on all my blogs, I noticed quite a few that have only posted once in the last month or so.  I guess it is all the crafting, and cooking, and decorating we all try to do.  There is also the regular working thing that has to be done in between all that.  HAHA! 

My Thanksgiving and Christmas were both great this year.  Every Thanksgiving we visit Hubby’s family in Virginia and make a side trip to North Carolina if possible.  We had great weather, ate well, and our flights were all on time.  Here’s our clan on Hubby’s side, it was pretty bright out on the front porch.

Our Christmas was pretty good too!  Mom, Diva Sister and the boys all spent the night Christmas Eve, so Santa came to my house this year!  We had a big dinner with turkey, dressing, various salads, and cassaroles.  I made my Grammie’s yummy apple pie, and my Mother-in-laws delicious chocolate pecan pie.  One small thing… when I say turkey, I use that term loosely.  There wasn’t a whole lot of turkey left after this little gal got a hold of it:

Yup… sometime in the early morning, she got into the kitchen sink and ate two wings and more than half a breast.  She has been paying for it with an upset tummy.  I would say that I didn’t think she would do it again after this belly-ache she’s had, but I know I’d be wrong.  Doesn’t she look like she wishes she hadn’t done it? 

Just a little sampling of the events:


I am off for the next week and looking forward to catching up with some serious knitting. Will show you some really soon!