What now?

I’m in that weird, what next phase. Shipwreck is done knitting,  just need to dye it. I just finished a hat. Now what? Do I start something big and time consuming? Do I do another small and quick? I’ve been purusing Ravelry and digging through my stash but nothing has inspired me to cast on. I want to knit something, but what?!?! Maybe what I really should be doing is cleaning house for my Mom’s upcoming visit. The Squid is turning 4 in one week!!

4 Responses

  1. Cute hat! You must dye Shipwreck next!!!!!! I have to see it finished. Puuuuleeeze? Then you can cast on something – maybe socks?

  2. The hat turned out awesome! I love the hearts between the skulls+bones. Does it fit great?

    I agree w/ Dotty – dye shipwreck (unless you’re waiting for your Mom’s help).

    Socks are a nice project… I’m thinking baby girl legwarmers, myself. Maybe a bag/purse? Oh, the options.

  3. me loves the hat!! SO CUTE!! and ic an’t wait to see ship wreck all done!!!!!

  4. Cute, cute hat! I agree… the heart in between the skulls is perfect.

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